Whether you are opening a fruit store, supermarket convenience store, fresh produce or retail industry you need to choose a cashier system that is suitable for your store. Today we will talk about how to choose a suitable cashier system for your store. First of all, it needs to be said that the software is dead, only with the people can create value. Without professional service guidance, the more powerful features in the case of people do not use can not play value. Cashier system is perfect, no timely after-sales service, stability is also difficult to guarantee.



The current market cashier system has the following 3 advantages.
1, business data query is convenient and accurate. How much money was sold, what time of day is crowded. How much stock is left, what sells fast? What are the reasons for the free food and returned food. Before there is no cashier system, these figures can only be roughly estimated by impression. After the cashier system, these are special reports to query, and can be viewed at any time by cell phone.
2、Improve efficiency and reduce costs. Service efficiency can also be increased by more than three times through the ordering treasure, scratching machine, sweeping code platform, etc. Computerized checkout is fast and accurate, improve the efficiency of collection, and customers get the checkout sheet in mind. Customer price cutting can be avoided on the grounds that it cannot be credited, increasing profits. Effectively put an end to run orders. When replacing the cashier, a little training can be on the job, reducing personnel costs.
3, member promotions to attract new customers is five times the cost of old customers, the best way to retain customers is membership marketing. Commonly used are stored value marketing, points exchange, member specials, member discounts. Among them, member stored value will bring great benefits for cash flow. And then senior have WeChat public platform to absorb the powder, accurate placement of coupons to guide to the store consumption. So that the stores are no longer limited by the three-kilometer distance, but also easy to recruit to the franchise.

PC cashier system
There are two major platforms for cashier system, PC and Android. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of each for you.
PC cashier system advantages.
1、Stable system and strong performance. The cashier computer can simultaneously play background music and conduct online store business.
2, no network can also be used.
3、The data is saved locally and can be viewed permanently, and the data confidentiality is strong. Some software can be local cloud double backup. (Member stored value information is extremely important)
4、Later hardware maintenance is convenient
5, can be customized to develop new features.
6, the platform is universal, the original cash register can continue to use after changing the cash register system.
1, the price of the computer is more expensive than the phone or tablet.
2, data storage in the local, stand-alone version needs to do backup regularly.
3, business data is uploaded to the Internet by time period, the boss assistant to view the data has a delay.
4、There is a risk of poisoning.

Android cashier system
Android cashier system advantages.
1、Low price of the tablet
2, the data is saved in the software vendor server, maintained by the software vendor on behalf of. Save your mind.
3, cell phone terminal to view the store business situation.
4, you can view the data for real-time data
1, the store must be networked, disconnected from the network can not be open, network cards affect business. It is best to have independent broadband and dedicated wifi network coverage.
2, the store customer information and business data is some software vendors profit point.
3, equipment problems can only be returned to the factory maintenance, misconduct and cost. Some cash registers also integrated printer, but also buried the root of the regular maintenance.
Market cashier system is really too much, merchants in the choice, it is best to choose a larger cashier system company, can protect their interests later.