Nowadays, in order to better attract new and old customers, many stores in the mall have begun to expand new customers and maintain old customers in the form of membership. For example, to guide new customers to apply for membership cards, to encourage old members to recommend new customers to sign up for membership or to use a series of membership marketing methods to activate old customers. So, how can businesses use the member management system to efficiently manage members and bring more profits for the store?

Cashier software member management

1. Attach importance to the development of members

Merchants can achieve different consumption goals in different time periods when developing members. For example, during legal holidays, businesses can take advantage of the consumer psychology that most customers like to participate in shopping malls’ preferential activities, then carry out some marketing activities with relatively large preferential intensity, so as to introduce more members into shopping malls, help businesses screen potential customers, and lay a good foundation for member management. Under normal circumstances, although the cost of developing new customers is 4-6 times higher than the cost of maintaining old customers, however, in order to increase the number of old customers in the store, we must do a good job of developing new customers and guide them to register as members to maintain the long-term sustainable development of the enterprise.

2. Classified management of member levels

In order to achieve efficient member marketing management, merchants need to implement different marketing plans for members with different consumption levels. It is to conduct hierarchical management of members. Merchants can do this by particular cash register software system. For example, set different membership thresholds for different levels. The higher the membership level, the higher the membership threshold. Members can also earn a percentage of points after consumption. The system can automatically accumulate members’ consumption points. When the points reach the membership promotion conditions, the system will automatically help customers to upgrade the membership level and get more membership benefits.

For customers of different membership levels, merchants can carry out different preferential activities for members. They can also make use of the consumption characteristics and psychology of members, and carry out some preferential activities according to their own age, so as to attract members to enter the store several times.

Cashier software

3. Improve the detailed information of members

The comprehensive record of relevant information of members can help the enterprise to further understand the members, so as to build an emotional bridge with members and increase the trust of members to the enterprise.

For example, when logging in the member information in the member management system, the potential value of members can be analyzed by recording their age, gender, occupation, interests and hobbies. Birthday greetings and discount cards can be sent to members by recording their birthdays, contact information, home addresses, etc. Regular telephone communication with members can be conducted to timely understand their needs, so as to increase the stickiness of members and avoid the loss of members. In addition, businesses can customize the relevant attributes of members to their own needs.

4. Completion of payment by the Member does not mean settlement of the transaction

It is popular in the mall to say that when one deal closes, another is about to begin. What do you make of this sentence? In fact, when the customer completes the transaction, he may enter the store again to spend money, that is, he will keep asking the customer to buy again. However, the repeat purchase rate largely depends on the marketing strategy of the merchant. Businesses can use the membership management system to send some electronic cards, blessing information. Regular delivery to the members will not only make them feel the sincerity and care of the business, but also stimulate them to enter the shopping mall again.