POS machine

Those who have understood POS products know that POS machines are actually computers and monitors in one, also known as all-in-one cash registers. Therefore, in the purchase of POS cash register should also pay special attention to the monitor is good or bad. Today I will talk about the purchase of POS machine after the monitor to pay attention to several issues.

(1) lack of color

Some customers bought an electronic POS cash register, not long after the time, the POS machine’s display has a problem. Originally pos machine has been working normally, but the morning when the machine is turned on but suddenly found that the monitor color is not normal, it looks and feels like the display is missing a color. According to my experience, this is likely to be caused by the bending of the monitor connector pins. Customers can try to unbend the monitor’s VGA cable, using tweezers to bend the pin correction, and then see if the monitor color back to normal.

(2) off-color

Many manufacturers sell electronic pos machine display most of the edges appear reddish or yellowish. After a simple demagnetization can not solve the problem, only to send back to the cash register manufacturer to repair. But there are some customers after the purchase, in use for a period of time, the edge color can suddenly return to normal. I remind everyone in the purchase of POS machine must pay attention to the display color display is normal, especially the corners are enough off-color.

(3) shaking

POS monitor shaking, especially after the installation of the XP operating system, the situation is particularly obvious. This problem may be solved after the reinstallation of the driver, but not absolutely! It may also be the LCD screen workmanship problems caused by. The cash register manufacturers may not be able to repair themselves, only to replace the LCD screen. So when you buy a POS machine if you find this problem, it is best not to buy.

(4) blackened, yellowed

The display of the pos machine in the middle part of the color is not normal, but also the left side of the color is dark. This is the quality of the picture tube used by the cash register manufacturers, it is likely that the old picture tube, it is recommended that you do not choose these products. Bad quality cash register display will also be very uncomfortable for a long time to see the eyes.

(5) ghosting

Cashier monitor ghosting, you will find that the image is significantly blurred. Generally this situation is caused by the internal circuitry of the display, it is also possible that the cash register display caused by moisture. If this problem occurs after the purchase of the pos machine, you can send back to the pos machine manufacturer to repair.


We are a POS hardware manufacturer with 11 years of experience, our factory passed ISO9001 certification in 2015, and we shipped 40,000 pieces in 2020. We have strict quality assurance. More than one year warranty service. We are selling brand new POS machines, there is no problem above.

POS machine