In September 13 to 14, the 6th China POS Industry CEO Roundtable Summit, sponsored by Intel (China) Co., LTD and undertaken by Shenzhen Retail Intelligence information Industry Association, was grandly held in Kaiyuan Resort, Sanqing Mountain, Jiangxi province. The summit was hosted by Xu Kang, secretary general of Shenzhen Retail Intelligent Information Industry Association. More than 50 enterprise leaders and industry experts from well-known enterprises in retail intelligent information industry attended the summit. Our president Liu from Dongguan Tcang Electronics Co., Ltd. was invited to participate in the summit.


The theme of the summit is “AI POS System”. We will observe the new retail in the digital intelligence era with a broader vision, embrace changes and create a new retail pattern together. Together discussing industry standards and product standard, which find new directions for the future development of this industry.


Yang Jun, business department manager of Internet of Things of Intel China, the organizer, made the welcome speech, “We are glad that we hold the China POS Industry CEO Roundtable every year, gathering POS industry leaders and experts, providing us the latest policy, technology and market information of the whole industry and telling us where to go. Many things have happened in recent years, the global pandemic, SinoUSs trade friction which lead to shortage of chips. Fortunately we survive and develop more and better applications. Intel will continue to give the support of technology, market, personnel, contribute ideas, hoping in the next round of upgrading, we can get more chance! ”



Video from Intel headquarters


Alec Gefrides, general manager of Intel’s trading retail product line, said he hoped to be there in person. He talked about his confidence in the end of sales market. POS, camera has wide application in China with product integration of different categories, multi-functional workload integration, etc. With the digital transformation and machine learning and AI advancement, one screen can meet all the needs of smart stores, which is a trend.


Intel headquarters George Loranger


George said Chinese partners have led the world in developing new products in the retail sector. We hope to communicate all the supply issues, build solutions, integrate the innovation of other loads and functions, and share the innovation results.


Yingjie Lu, senior director of Intel China Internet of Things Division, shared the theme of “New Transaction Retail in the Era of Digital Intelligence”


In the wake of COVID-19, retailers around the world are accelerating digital transformation and increasing IT investment in the retail industry: personalized experience, online order fulfillment, contactless payment, upgraded payment terminals /PCI compliance, etc. Innovative technologies have revolutionized the retail industry and created new experiences. Intel will continue to work with POS industry partners to develop POS based store solutions.


Afterwards, participants actively discussed the standardization of software, hardware and service in POS industry.


The discussion topics revolve around the following five aspects:
1. Define the scope of group standards (Standard Committee)
2. Structure and responsibilities of the Standardization Technical Committee of the Association, and recent work arrangements
3. Formulate and revise working procedures for group standards
4. Funding sources, intellectual property rights and legal liabilities
5. Implementation and promotion of group standards